The Quinte Coordinating Committee Against Violence (QCCAV), is an amalgamation of the Coordinating Committee Against Sexual Violence and the Coordinating Committee Against Domestic Violence (est. early 1980's). QCCAV is a group of individuals representing various agencies in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.

Mission Statement
The Quinte Coordinating Committee Against Violence works to promote individual and community awareness of issues relating to sexual and domestic violence. The Committee also works to coordinate a community-wide response aimed at eradicating violence through education and advocacy for effective intervention and therapeutic services in the Quinte area. The Committee works to address issues relating to the needs of the child, adolescent and adult victims/survivors, their children, significant others and perpetrators of violence.
Violence is a chronic social issue. Historical, systemic and social factors all contribute to the perpetuation of violence in our world today. The Committee believes that prevention programs and intervention services are most effective when they explore, expose and address causes of violence.
The nature of violence demands that prevention strategies openly address that violence is predominately about male violence against women and children. Anti-violence strategies must be proactive and community based. A coordinated response is necessary for the elimination of violence.
Historically, women and children have been socially, economically and legally disadvantaged in Canadian society and it is understood that attitudes and institutions that support, condone or perpetuate traditional power imbalances must be challenged if violence is to be eradicated. The Committee recognizes that victims/survivors of violence are primarily but not exclusively women and children.
Join one of our sub-committees, become a community partner.
You can make a difference! Together let’s put a stop to the violence.
Organizational Structure
The structure is comprised of a Steering Committee membership with standing sub-committees, which include a protocol committee, education, awareness and training committee and a membership committee with an executive committee to assist with the overall operation. Whenever possible it is expected that each agency sends a consistent representative.

Our Standing Committees
Executive Committee
The Steering Committee shall select from among its members an Executive that shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The executive as a whole will be responsible for reviewing the financial situation of the steering committee as needed, to make decisions around any fund raising needs and to develop a yearly budget. The executive will also be responsible to guide and supervise the coordinator.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee reviews and assesses membership making recommendations to the Executive. Their goal is to maintain an up to date list of members, actively recruit more representatives from various ethno-cultural organizations and those that represent the diversity of the community and to strive to have the membership comprised of organizations within the region representing justice and human services. The secretary shall be a member of the membership committee.
Protocol Committee
We believe that our individual and collective responses to sexual and domestic violence are enhanced and strengthened by a shared understanding of the issue and a commitment to work collaboratively and cooperatively to meet the many different needs of victims of partner abuse and their children.
• Promote education, training and awareness surrounding sexual/domestic violence
• Encourage active engagement with other community partners in the development of a
coordinated approach to domestic/sexual violence
• Provide a forum for information sharing, process review, barrier identification and problem
solving with the focus on persons who are victims/survivors of domestic/sexual violence.
• Understand and respect the roles, responsibilities, limitations and practices of our
community partners
• Facilitate joint/cross-sectoral training
Education And Training Committee
To research, organize and deliver educational events for members and the community that will increase the knowledge base on the issues of domestic and sexual violence. To undertake various consciousness raising activities and to protect the interest of agencies aimed at violence prevention and service to those vulnerable populations at the greatest risk of violence in our area.